Monday, December 6, 2010

Something Old: Sweet Potato Fries

While at the grocery store the other day, my dad and I encountered the biggest sweet potatoes I've ever seen. They could have been used as footballs.

We refrained from doing that (I was tempted), but they reminded me that Chase and I haven't made sweet potato fries in far too long. We haven't made them yet, but I'm looking for a soup recipe to make this week and realized that these fries would be great served beside a cream-based soup. They're not just good for burgers and barbecue!

And since they're baked, not fried, they're good for you, right? ;)

Keep warm and keep cooking!


Sweet Potato Fries February 8, 2010

2 large sweet potatoes
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp cinnamon
4 Tbsp vegetable oil

1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
2. Peel any large eyes from the potatoes. If you don't like skins on your fries, peel the whole potato.
3. Slice the potatoes into long wedges of about the same size. Sweet potatoes are hard, so use a large knife and be careful when cutting them.
4. Mix the oil and spices in a large mixing bowl.
5. Add about a third of the potato slices to the mixing bowl and toss carefully with a large spoon until the slices are covered. Move the slices to a cookie sheet that has been coated with cooking spray.
6. Repeat with the rest of the potatoes. Make sure the slices are not touching on the cookie sheet, using two sheets if necessary (both sheets can go in the oven at the same time).
7. Bake for 25-30 minutes, turning the potato slices halfway through cooking.
8. Remove from oven and sprinkle with extra salt while still hot. Serve and enjoy.

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