Monday, March 21, 2011

Something Simple: Egg Spaghetti

It's pasta week, food friends!

Chase found this recipe on on "The Minimalist" Mark Bittman's list of his 25 favorite recipes. On that list and this video, he calls the recipe "Spaghetti with Fried Eggs." In one of his posts, Bittman refers to the recipe as "Poor Man's Spaghetti." Out of silliness and verbal laziness, though, Chase and I usually opt for "Egg Spaghetti."

Whatever you call it, this recipe is ridiculously easy and filling. It's also my favorite meal to make for 1. I just make it with one egg and one serving of pasta and I'm well fed.

Also, when I'm feeling particularly famished or disinclined to wash extra dishes, I skip the garlic blonding step. I make the pasta in the pot, drain it, put the oil in the pot where I just boiled the pasta, cook the egg in that pot, put the pasta back in, and presto! Only one pot to clean.

But if you have an extra minute or two, totally worth the garlic step. I'm just lazy after working the dinner rush.

Happy pasta cooking!


Egg Spaghetti

½ lb uncooked spaghetti
5-6 Tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic, quartered
4 eggs
about 1 cup Parmesan cheese
salt & pepper to taste

1. Cook the pasta according to package directions.
2. Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat.
3. Blond the garlic (cook until barely starting to color) in the oil. Remove garlic from oil.
4. When pasta is done cooking and drained, begin frying the eggs (sunny-side up) in the garlic-flavored oil.
5. When the whites have almost set but the yolk is still runny
(shouldn't take but 30-60 seconds)
, add the pasta to the eggs.
6. Break the yolks and toss spaghetti to coat with egg. The residual heat from the pasta will cook the yolks.
7. Add salt, pepper and Parmesan and toss to coat.
8. Serve and enjoy.

Blonding the garlic.

Whites are set, yolks are runny. Your eggs are ready for spaghetti!

Tossing everything together.

Happy cooking!

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